Part 1

Custodians of the Ranch

1965: Betty O’Keefe began managing the ranch, initiating its transformation into a heritage site.

1967: The O’Keefe Ranch celebrated its 100th anniversary and rebranded as a cultural tourism destination.

1977: O'Keefe family sold the Ranch to the Devonian Foundation for $600,000.

1977: City of Vernon agreed to hold in trust the Historic O'keefe Ranch.

1977: The O'Keefe Ranch & Interior Heritage Society was formed for the sole purpose of managing the Ranch to fulfil a portion of City of Vernon's obligations.

1997: City of Vernon and O'Keefe Ranch & Interior Heritage Society renewed their lease agreement which now extends to March 2027.

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Part 2

Video can also be viewed on YouTube:

Current Lease Agreement


Society Responsibilities:

  • Repair and maintain lands and buildings except wear and tear.

  • Keep fences in good repair.

  • Pay all taxes, rates and levies against the land.

  • Pay the City of Vernon a pro-rata insurance rate based on the value of the buildings in comparison to all other assets insured on the policy.

  • Maintain liability insurance of 5 million for any single claim.

City of Vernon Responsibilities:

  • Wear and tear: repairs, maintenance and replacement for items which occurs as part of normal use. Wear and tear definition: the reasonable use of the premises by the tenant and the ordinary operation of natural forces.

  • Maintain a $10,000/yr, to max. $30,000*, capital works program for the Society to request for repairs to the improvements. Note this is for improvements by the Society.

  • Insure the buildings and fixtures with an "All Risk" policy and under the same policy as other assets are insured.


$10,000 from 1967, the original lease, would translate to $94,064.37 in 2024. $10,000 from 1997, the current active lease, would translate to $19,574.77 in 2024. Although inflation is not contemplated in the lease agreements, this information is important moving forward.

Part 2 cont….


Volunteer time and anonymously donated items towards capital projects are not included in these numbers.

Part 3

The Asks…


 1. City commit to $200,000 operational funding for each year until either a new lease is completed or the current lease ends. 

2. City cover the cost of insurance for City owned assets until a new lease is completed or the current lease ends. 

3. City complete capital expenses as required for the Society to continue operations. 

4. City complete the work required for the Mansion prior to winter. This means either;

          a. Restore heating to the building or,

          b. Confirm the contents of the mansion are OK with no heat. 


 … coming soon.


 … coming soon.

Additional Resources


  • Volunteers provide huge cost savings for both operations and asset management.

  • Opportunities for wider community involvement and networking through other jurisdictions.

  • City of Vernon and Devonian Foundation agreement requirements are maintained; preservation and education.

  • Opportunities for activities aimed at reconciliation.

  • Funding from partners allows leverage for additional grants.